The Controversy of Operation Crossroads: A Post-WWII Nuclear Weapons Test

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Essay Database > Literature
In the mid 1940s, my grandfather, Commander Larry Condon, witnessed the testing of three-nuclear powered atom bombs. Although all of his war stories have interested me in the past, upon learning of this particular experience, I became fascinated with the subject-especially given one particular comment he made when describing the explosions to me: "It was beautiful. Just beautiful." It seemed remarkable to me that anyone could call an atom bomb exploding at the destructive capacity …

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…Penguin Books, 1986. Oversight Hearing before the Subcommitte on Oversight and Investigations. Radiation Exposure from Pacific Nuclear Tests. Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1994. Radio Bikini. Robert Stone, dir. WGBH/Boston, and WNET/New York., 1989. Ringholz, Raye C. Uranium Frenzy. New York: University of New Mexico, 1989. Schull, William J. Effects of Atomic Radiation. New York: Wiley-Liss, 1995. Titus, A. Constandina. Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics. 2nd ed. Reno:University of Nevada, 1986.