"The Color Purple." By Alice Walker.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"The Color Purple" is a contemporary, epistolary novel by Alice Walker, which is about the life of Celie, a black woman growing up in the South. Walker's use of letters or 'epistles' exchanged between characters, speaking to each other in an informal colloquial vocabulary, brings them to life and allows them to speak to each other directly. In a series of letters to God and to her sister Nettie, Celie tells the story of her …

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…role, and turns it into an outlet for creative self-expression and a profitable business. After being voiceless for so many years, she is finally content, fulfilled, and self-sufficient. When Nettie, Olivia, and Adam return to Georgia from Africa, Celie's circle of friends and family is finally reunited. Though Celie has endured many years of hardship, she says, "Don't think us feel old at all. . . . Matter of fact, I think this the youngest us ever felt."