"The Color Purple" Review.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
In our society, a nuclear family consists of a mother, a father, and the average amount of kids (2.5). It is the basis of what people consider a "normal" family to be. It is really sad that we, as Americans, need to have an idea of the "normal" family, in order to show our status. I think it's very trivial, but according to the text in "The Color Purple", it creates many issues that can be …

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…with that. Her idea of how alternative family structures create the same strong bond that a so-called "normal" family would is very promising to our culture. The main theme in the book is the potency and pleasure women can find in cohesion with one another. The Color Purple does an outstanding job showing all of the aspects of this. Whether it is caring, or sexual desire, they are all true forms of unity and sisterhood.