The Color Purple

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Color Purple by Alice Walker is about the life and times of Celie. Celie is a woman who has had a hard life. At the age of 14 she is raped by the person she thinks is her father and bores two children for him. Pa, as Celie calls him, gives her children away to a local Minster where they were raised in Africa because their adoptive parents are missionaries. Pa arranges Celie to marry …

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…story is when Celie leaves Mr. People thought that Celie was independent because of the way she let Mr. Treat her. One day Celie had enough and she left Mr. This event showed that Celie could and would survive on her own without a man. This was an excellent book. It really captured the lives of many women of the olden days. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a lover of dramas.