The Color Purple 2

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Color Purple By Alice Walker And Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger Alice Walker and J.D Salinger demonstrate how faith helps their main characters to discover their true potential. Both authors use their novels to show the readers how faith, religion, and human interventions can promote a positive and meditative change within a person. In Alice Walker's novel "The Color Purple", protagonist, Celie, relies upon her faith in God and her sister …

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…strength, hope and guidance, but for some it produces anger, resentment and sorrow. Human intervention is also a guiding light for people, in Celie's case, Shug's intervention prompts her to strive for freedom, for Franny, Zooey's intervention, shows her the error of her thinking. Both author's point out that everyone has in inner divine spark, and that it sometimes takes a little help and effort to realize that it is there within a human being.