"The Color Purple"

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
"The Color Purple" is a very fascinating book that tells the tale of a young girl and the trials that she endures, starting with her childhood. She writes entries in her diary entitled, "Dear God," in which she is seeking answers from Him and trying to escape the oppression that is forced on her from many people in her life. The movie begins with Celie and her sister Nettie playing happily in a field of …

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…past. Celie's metamorphosis from being a young girl from a broken home, to a respectable, accomplished lady took her a long time to attain, but she did it. Through her journal of "Dear God" letters and her efforts to see her sister again, she finally makes it. The end frame of the movie shows her and Nettie in a field of wildflowers, which alludes to how they overcame the bumps in the road of life.