The Color Purple

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Color Purple is a story about growth, endurance, loyalty, and joy, all nurtured by the strength of love. There are many themes; some concern the relationship between males and females, the relationship between Africans and black Americans, and personal independence. However, one thing that I felt strongly about was her commitment to G-d. African-American people have had to climb over many obstacles to get to their position today. First, was the selling of their …

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…it said the boat Nellie was one sank, Celie thought Nellie was dead. Later her husband comes back because he had seen his sins. Celie and her husband moved into a house she had inherited of her real father who died. And then some day a car stooped in front of Celie's house and Nettie got out. Celie and nellie are very glad to see each other and celebrated the fact they were together again.