The College Dropout

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Essay Database > Literature
The College Dropout Man I promise, she's so self conscious She has no idea what she's doing in college That major that she majored in don't make no money But she won't drop out, her parents will look at her funny Now, tell me that ain't insecurrre The concept of school seems so securrre Sophomore three yearrrs aint picked a careerrr She like fuck it, I'll just stay down herre and do hair Cause that's …

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…greedy with degrees he took my degree. And now I'm just glad he let me these because all the regular homeless people have newspaper And look what I have these are documented my father left them to me and I'm going to leave them to my kids I'm going to learn to I'm going to get super smart so I to can die without money but ill be the smartest dead guy who has that.