The Chemistry of Food and Cooking : Eggs.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
In cooking, everything is chemistry! Whether you knead bread, bake a pie, or roast a meat, chemical reaction is taking place. Not only with these foods, but with others such as eggs. Egg proteins change when you heat them, beat them, or mix them with other ingredients. Being able to understand these changes can help you understand the roles that eggs play in cooking. The proteins in an egg white are twisted, folded, and curled …

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…fat droplet. So now where does that leave me? Well, I've explained to you the chemistry of eggs when you heat 'em, beat 'em, and mix 'em! There are physical changes involved in these processes and also chemical changes. Just because you can't see some of the chemical changes, doesn't mean that they are not there. Not only have I explained the chemistry of eggs, I have also explained the chemistry of cooking the egg.