The Causes of Tsunami

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
As the earth begins to tremble many fear the troubles ahead. Waves are suddenly being formed and the people of the west coast are immediately alerted. What could this be? This is a tsunami, an earthquake that is formed underwater. The sea floor abruptly deforms and displaces the overlying water from its equilibrium position. Waves are formed when the displaced water mass, acting under the influence of gravity, attempts to regain its equilibrium. The main …

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…struck Japan, killing 150 people (Phillip). All in all each cause of the tsunami storm has its very own distinct aspect, which causes different outcomes throughout the storm. The people of the locations where the tsunami occur must daily fear of their lives and property. Technology has not yet received an accurate reading of when a tsunami will hit, but till then the peole will continue to stay alerted and ready for the worst to come.