The Cause of Rape

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Rape is a common crime that affects our friends, daughters and sister through drug dating, dressing revealingly and fliriting. Rape occurs everyday in small towns and in big citis. Rape not only happens to older women but youong women, too. Ra0pe is mose common in high schools and colleges. Rape is sometimes associated in dating. This is a form of dating violence. Date rape is the most common form of rape. One way this …

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…her. He may truly believe that she wants him, when she really doesn't. Therefore, he may forces himself on her believing she shares the same feelings. Rape is a crime of violence, not love. It affects all Americans, whether it's our family members of friends. Crime classes anbd other programs can aid in fighting this crime. This is a horribel crime that must be stopped of Americans iwill continue to live with this serious violence.