The Beatles and Led Zeppelin compared.

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To start off with, The Beatles and Led Zeppelin weren't quite from the same era, but it was close. The Beatles released their first full-length album in the U.S., "Introducing the Beatles," in January of 1964. Their last original album, "Let It Be," came out in May of 1970. Towards the end of The Beatles' career, Led Zeppelin emerged, releasing "Led Zeppelin I" in 1969. The Beatles split up shortly before "Let It Be" hit stores, but …

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…direction. There isn't much way of knowing, considering The Beatles broke up about a year and a half after releasing "The White Album," except personally asking one of the remaining members of the Beatles. That isn't exactly possible at this time, though. Led Zeppelin continued on their career of hard rock, and many other bands were influenced by them, or even mimicked them. Perhaps The Beatles would have ended up being one of those bands.