The Beatles Their life and music.

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It all started in Liverpool, England, with four lads by the names of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Stuart Sutcliffe, and Pete Best. (George Harrison and Ringo Starr would eventually replace Sutcliffe and Best) The "Beatles" started as just another teenage British rock group, but they slowly worked their way up to become one of the most influential groups in Rock history. The first big gig for the Beatles was in Hamburg, Germany, which lasted about …

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…how truly important life is, and how people think differently. The remaining three Beatles still write and perform their music, and are among the most respected artist in music. Just listen, and you can still hear their influence today. Sources: "The Beatles Timeline" @ - 6/8/00. "The Beatles" @ - 6/9/00. Peter Brown, and Steven Gaines. The Love You Make. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983.