The Beatles

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The Beatles Biography Inspired by the "skiffle boom", a student at Quarry Bank School in Liverpool named John Lennon decided to form a group in 1957 and laid the foundation of what was to become the most famous rock bands of all time. The name John had first come up with was "The Blackjacks". This name only lasted a week and John used the school name as inspiration for the name "The Quarry Men" in March 1957. …

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showed last 75 words of 1956 total
…and Wings; George found happiness with his solo career, Olivia, and his son Dhani; and Ringo found happiness with his solo career, acting career, Barbara, and his sons. They will always be the greatest rock 'n' roll band in history. Biography thanks to some Excerpts Were Taken From "The Ultimate Beatles Encyclopedia" by Bill Harry and "Life Magazine Reunion Special, The Beatles From Yesterday To Today".