The Battle Of Dieppe: The Beaches

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Essay Database > History
The Battle Of Dieppe: The Beaches At dawn of August 19th 1942, six thousand and one hundred Allied soldiers, of whom roughly five thousand were Canadians, landed at the French port of Dieppe in their first major test of the defense of the German-held coastline. A combination of inadequate communication, lack of supporting firepower; and in the final hour before the raid, absolute bad luck on the Allies made the Dieppe raid one of their worst …

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…conceivable way. We will never know for sure how such a terrible thing could have happened. All we can do is look at the information we are given and from it make educated guesses. One can only hope that we have learned something from the events leading up to the 19th of August 1942, and that we shall never repeat the horrors of that day. A day that will forever remain a terrible page in history.