The Armenian Genocides, to be used with the novel The Road from Home

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Essay Database > History
The Armenian Genocides In the late 1800's and early 1900's, the Muslim Turks in Turkey wanted to eliminate the Christian Armenians from their country. They attempted to do this in three separate massacres, the third of which Veron Dumehjian was a part. The first two, which are mentioned by Veron, happened in 1894-1896 and 1909. These early massacres were not intended to eliminate the Armenians. However; they were intended to teach the Armenians that they must …

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…they all died eventually because of sickness or weakness, along with Veron's siblings and mother. It was a very hard time for the Armenians; half of their population in Turkey was killed. There was almost no chance of survival, unless you escaped like Veron did. If she had not escaped with her father and "aunts" she would have probably died along with the others. Veron was very lucky compared to the rest of the Armenians.