The Armenian Genocide.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
To take a life with a cause comprised solely of hatred towards a certain race is ghastly. To take over 1.5 million lives driven by the same motive is nothing short of abysmal, yet that indeed took place around Turkey between the years 1915 and 1922 and it is known as the Armenian genocide. The question engulfing one at present is exactly how and why such an appalling atrocity ever took place, as well as the query as …

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…crime of the war, and the failure to act against Turkey is to condone it . . . the failure to deal radically with the Turkish horror means that all talk of guaranteeing the future peace of the world is mischievous nonsense." US President Theodore Roosevelt - May 11, 1918, letter to Cleaveland Hoadlet Dodge. Bibliography: