The American Way of Weddings

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The American Way of Weddings In our society many youngsters are having sex before marriage. It has become such a regular occurrence that many people no longer deem it commonplace. Rather than promote abstinence many people spend their time promoting "safe sex." It is a fact, that many youngsters have come to the conclusion that marriage is not for them. They feel that it may only end up in divorce, so why even bother. But, …

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…the most recent is called The Bachelor. Some others are Runaway Bride, Father of the Bride, and Four Weddings and a Funeral, all of which consist mainly of comedy. The American way of weddings no longer brings only joy and happiness. It is also accompanied by a great deal of stress and financial distress. But, I guess as long as the joy and happiness are there then the wedding and the money was worth it.