The American Revolution.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Causes of American Revolution June 19, 2003 Why Did the colonist slowly come to realize that they had to break with England? That is what legal, political, and social factors caused the colonist to reexamine their relationship with England! The colonists of America slowly came to realize that they must break from Britain due to the growing feeling of being considered lower than the British. They realized they had no say in government, and under the rule …

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…was ratified on July 4th. On April 1775, in Lexington Concord, the American Revolution began. The primary cause of the American Revolution in my mind would have to have been economics, though it was also very much about colonial liberty. The majority of the policies that affected the colonist between 1763 and 1776 were economic changes that limited the economic success of the colonies, these policies also had a negative political influences that led to the American revolution.