The American Revolution

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The American Revolution is an evolutionary thing; it did not just happen over night, intolerable acts and loss of freedom piled on the colonist till they couldn't comply with the king any more. In 1733 the Molasses Act was formed, this is a tax on molasses and sugar. This is just one of the acts that drove the colonist to independence. Molasses/Sugar is very important to the colonist; they used the sugar to turn it …

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…involved in the writing of it. They worked on it for 3 weeks, some would argue on would Jefferson write, but finally on July 4 they came to the final document. 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence; John Hancock was the first to sign. The Declaration of Independence showed England and other countries that Americans were determined to become a free nation. If the colonists lost the war, all the men who signed the declaration would hang.