The American Dream: The Great Gatsby

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Essay Database > Literature > English
It can be said that chasing the American Dream is a never ending journey. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, Gatsby seems to undertake great efforts in pursuing the life he wants to live, the so-called American Dream. The novel is Fitzgerald's vessel of commentary and criticism of the American Dream. As he paints a vivid portrait of the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald defines this dream, and through Gatsby's downfall, expresses the futility and …

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…of the American Dream is that, as an unattainable yet seemingly plausible goal for all intents and purposes, it continues to inspire humanity of all nationalities to stretch to a new level of existence, regardless of their current social status. The quest for happiness is perhaps the most venerable of all human institutions due to the natural human desire for a hedonistic existence: a simple pursuit, hardly; a palpable pursuit, possibly; a consuming pursuit, definitely