"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" as a Hero's Quest

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"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: is a novel that illustrates the social limitations which American Civilization imposes on individual freedom (Smith.1985, p.47-49)." Huck is on a hero's quest of self-identification, and in the process, resisting the beliefs of his society. A mythic quest is what a hero is embarked upon in order to be humbled. In being so, the hero understands, have sympathy and empathy toward his fellow man. The mythic quest is divided into …

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…life; all men are born free and equal. Bibliography Smith, S. (1985). Racism, society and freedom in Huck Finn. London: London Press Twain, M. (1994). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Toronto: Dover Publications, Inc. ( original work published 1885) Trilling, L. (1977). On Huck's attitude toward Slaver. New York: University of Iowa Press. Steinke, J. (2003). Aim: What is society? Science skills: Brooklyn, New York. Fertel, R.J. (1990). Spontaneity and the quest for maturity in Huckleberry Finn. New York: Chelsea House Publishers.