The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Tawin

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The Southern Society American authors tended to write about life in their times and culture. Mark Twain lived in the 1800's and witnessed the Civil War era. He used the plot of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to reveal the truths about life in the South during the pre Civil War time period. He asserted his opinions on human values such as ignorance and racism and showed his ridiculing views on religion and government institutions. …

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…cruel to one another. (p.174) Again, the society was characterized with cruelty. People would seek revenge in the cruelest way possible. In general, the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn could be viewed as a social commentary on pre Civil War Southern culture. The South was characterized with slavery, hypocrisy, and ignorance and cruelty. Mark Twain grew up in the South under its culture, thus reflecting his views through Huck on the Southern culture in his novel.