That Day

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ashley Bell 1-22-01 Creative Writing Heroy My best friend CiCi drove off of the road and into a ditch on her first real driving expedition. She was on her way back from a day at the beach during July of 1997 and did not yet have her real license - she was still driving off of the 90-day paper one. As soon as she got home, she called me and told me every detail about …

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…for the car, and she dreaded how disappointed in her her mother would be. She never ! wanted to drive again. That would be easy enough to do - she would just use public transportation for the rest of her life - at least she could avoid situations like this. She looked down the road and saw her father's blue Ford station wagon coming around the corner. The dread grew stronger in her stomach. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**