Teens and the Drugs They Abuse

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Teen drug abuse is a very common issue these days. A high percentage of teens use drugs or have experimented with drugs: ranging from cigarettes and alcohol to cocaine and ecstasy. Drug use during adolescence is not uncommon; teens are curious and try many new things while others take the experimentation to the next level. Unfortunately, teenagers often do not see the connection between their actions of today and the consequences it may bring; they …

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…http://science.howstuffworks.com/nicotine.htm 4.http://www.xs4all.nl/--- 4.david/compact/cocaine_effects.html 5.http://www.starliterecovery.com/marijuana.asp 6.http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com/ecstasy/danger.htm 7.http://kaleidoscopecymru.org.uk/english_version/druginfo/drugfactsolder/ecstasy.asp 8.http://www.recovery.org.uk/druginfo/index.html -it was a research paper for english so the footnotes are included -there were no writen comments made by the teacher except he enjoyed reading my paper