Teenage Suicide

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Teenage Suicide Thesis: I intend to inform those who read my report about the subject teenage suicide. What really is the definition of suicide? Suicide is a Latin word that means self killing. Suicides also means the taking of one's own life in a deliberate manner. Suicide may be compulsory, usually as an alternative to death at the hands of others. Or, it is thought to be committed for personal motives; depending on the time …

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…misled by the student's comments that the emotional crisis has ended. Don't assume the aggressive child may commit suicide over the "good," "quiet," or "obedient" child(Prevention). If everybody would just follow these few simple dos and don'ts and learn to recognize the warning signs we would be able to prevent a lot more teenage suicides. Teenagers really don't want to die. They just need support and time so they can work through their problems.