Teenage Pregnancy

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Today teenagers are more familiar with sex, have more sex partners, and are engaging more in unprotected sex than any other generation. When teenagers engage in unprotected sex they fail to seek out all the consequence that may follow from having unprotected sex, one of the consequences is getting pregnant. Teenage pregnancy is an overwhelming problem in the United States. Over one million American teenagers become pregnant each year this means that 1 in 10 girls will …

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…Reducing.html). Teenage pregnancy is declining, and with help from the people that influence the teens, such as family, friends, teachers, etc. it is shown that it will continue to decrease. Society needs to look at the messages it is sending teenagers through television, magazines, parents, friends, etc. and see how they are influencing teenage girls, whether directly or indirectly, to have children. If this is figured out, then teen pregnancy may continue to decline.