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Essay Database > History
DBQ: Totalitarianism Totalitarianism shot into the nations of Europe in rapid fire during the period between the two World Wars. Totalitarianism can be explained as centralized control by an autocratic ruler or hierarchy. This form of government theoretically permits no individual freedom and lowers all aspects of the individual's life to the authority of the government. The totalitarian state tries to pursue goals, such as industrialization or conquest. Under totalitarian rule, traditional social institutions and …

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…the peak of its power. They certainly made Totalitarianism a very successful form of government. Even though the world was ultimately led into another large-scale destructive war, totalitarianism was made successful for the type of government that it was and the guidelines that it abided by. Totalitarianism certainly has had a large impact on the modern map of the world today because of the differences it caused between the European nations of the 20th century.