Surgery in the Renaissance

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Surgery, though crude and painful, did exist in the time of the Renaissance. Early Renaissance surgeons were ignorant of the human body and surgical procedures were almost never successful. They were continuously trying to unveil the mysteries of the body. How and why it functioned, its purposes, and its needs. Dissections uncovered the most knowledge of the body. However, dissections were rare because they were illegal and very risky. If a surgeon was going to …

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…was still very rare in an era with no antiseptics. (Duin et al. 41) Even without antiseptics or anesthetics, surgeons of the Renaissance were able to evolve their practice into a more modern and successful field. They invented several tools and methods to make their operations quicker and more effective. This era, called the Renaissance, was the turning point in history for surgical procedures. Eventually these inventions and methods became the basis for those used today.