Sunshine sketches of a little town

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Affectionately combining both the idyllic and the ironic, Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town, is Stephen Leacock's most beloved books."(back of book.) Stephen Leacock's, Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town, is a satirical novel about a town and the people that live in it. The little town, Leacock titled, Mariposa, is a universal town. The people in Mariposa all thought they are the perfect image until now. Stephen Leacock unwraps the characters layer by …

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…In the beginning of the story, Leacock made the reader look at Mariposa as an angel type of town, then went on to hook the reader on details of each individual character by using irony and mockery. Perhaps Stephen Leacock should focus more on the main point and not get into the minor detail. Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town mainly focuses on the good and bad in a character and how they can change.