Sunset Blvd. and Film Noir

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Film noir means "Black Cinema," it was a French label given to a Hollywood genre that developed in the 1940s and ended around 1958. The word black to describe this genre lets many darker things be explored in these movies. The 1950 film Sunset Blvd. by Billy Wilder fits the moods, characteristics, goals, and story of Film Noir. The moods Sunset Blvd. include bleakness, distrust, alienation, guilt, desperation, paranoia, ambiguous morals, and disillusionment; they are components of …

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…end of the movie not necessarily giving us a concrete resolution, but a resolution to the story he unfolded before us. It is non-linear because we see the ending, then the story, then the ending again. This ending achieved the goal of film noir films; to unbalance the audience. I knew the ending of the Sunset Blvd. but the ending still had its unbalancing effect on me because you could still not see it coming.