Suicide on teenagers

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Teenage Suicide [Suicide] is a self-inflicted act that ends in death. Over the past years the American society has been concerned about the issue of teenage suicide. The individual, in seemingly hopeless conflict with the world, decides to end his or her existence in what he or she considers to be a final assault against a society that can no longer be tolerated. The issue of teenage suicide seems to be put under a wrap. …

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…about it. (Murphy 3) (US News & World Report) (Quotation) [It] is sometimes very difficult to erase a crisis entirely from the society. Likewise, teenage suicide is also not quite easy to wipe out from the American society. However, people in general, parents of adolescents, teachers, counselors, and other kinds of social workers can work together to fight against teenage suicide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Crook, Marion. Suicide: Teens Talk to Teens. North Vancouver, B.C.: International Self-Counsel Press, 1997