Suicide Theories.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
There are many different theories surrounding suicide. This essay shall briefly describe Durkheim's Sociological Theory of suicide and Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory. Psychological autopsies shall then be discussed which have contributed to Shneidman's shared characteristics of suicide. Suicide victims and prevention will also be discussed. Durkheim's Sociological Theory of suicide identifies three different types of suicide - egoistic, altruistic and anomic. Egoistic suicide victims feel that they have too few ties to society and community. They …

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…the lifespan. Any event in a person's life may be a matter of life and death. It just depends on the individual's appraisal of it and their perception of the strengths of personal and external support. Coping strategies such as disclosure and seeking social support reduce the impact of the trauma. Findings regarding suicide substantiate the important roles of groups such as the Samaritans. Everyone must be alert for signs which may require professional intervention.