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Essay Database > Literature > English
Suicide refers to intentional self-inflicted acts that end in death. Derived from the Latin suicidium, which combines the pronoun for "self" and the verb for "to kill", the word suicide was first used in 1651, but self-initiated deaths have occurred throughout history. History tells us many stories of people destroying each other in war. Warriors are heroes of legends. We try to imagine the courage, strength, and wisdom it must take to become a hero, but …

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…total population; for young women of the same age the rate was 3.2. In the United States, the statistics given are for young men and women together aged 15 to 24; the rate is 13.3 deaths per 100,000. Suicide may be one of North America's leading causes of death but in society today it is becoming more and more accepted. Suicide is not the only way to end suffering, we need to encourage those who are suffering to find help.