Subway Restaurant Owner's Interview

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
I interviewed the Subway restaurant, owner of my work. Her name is Rohini Chopra. She was born and raised in India. Rohini came to California when she was twenty one years old with her husband. She grew up in a business oriented family. She had two brothers, and she was the only girl in her family. Rohini's mom received a high school diploma, and her dad received a bachelor's degree. In India, her dad owned …

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…keeps moving forward with full confidence. Rohini graduated in psychology and sociology bachelors with honors. Psychology helped her in her business a lot such as she can observe people's mood: good or bad, sometimes she could read a customer mind. This business interview had thought me a lot about business, which I did not know before, and it also gives me a confidence to become a business person. Works Cited: Chopra, Rohini. Personal Interview. 21 October. 2005.