Study of Ph

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The Study of pH pH is the measure of H+ (a proton) a concentration of a solution. In order to understand pH, a scale has been designed, this scale ranges from 0 to 14. Anything from 0 to 6.99 is acidic, a substance that increases hydrogen ions concentration in a solution, such as lemon juice. If the scale ranges from 8 to 14 would be determined as a basic solution, a substance that reduces the hydrogen ions concentration in a solution, …

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…be basic solutions. The experiments coincided with each other, the blue litmus paper said antacid and ammonia are basic and the remaining solutions lemon juice, coke and aspirin were acidic. The red paper, which determines the pH more approximately also, determined the same results. References Campbell, Neil A. Biology 4th edition, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., California. DeYoe, Hudson R. ed. General Biology Lab Manual 3rd edition, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Iowa. pp. 37-39.