Study of Anthropology

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Anthropology is the study of humankind, in general, the study of humans everywhere. Past humanities go beyond several generations and the study of anthropology allows us to understand these generations, their complex relationships, and the structures of various cultures for the benefit of understanding humanity. This study of humankind allows us to study humans in many ways and can be divided into four related fields - the study of physical or biological anthropology, the study …

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…are socially learned rather than acquired through biological inheritance" (Haviland 14). The aspect of cultural anthropology that is of most interest to me is ethnography, because I enjoy being immersed in a specific culture - sleeping within the environment of that culture, eating that culture's food, participating in that culture's customs and routines, and speaking that culture's language. I had the ability to live in Italy for a year and enjoyed the people and their culture.