Studies of Pathology

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
Pathology is the study of diseases or any medical condition that shortens the length or enjoyment of life. Pathology touches every facet of medicine and therefore, society. Medicine is pathology. By becoming a pathologist, you will become involved in medicine at its purest level. Most people do not know that pathologists diagnose every cancer in the world and they are involved in the monitoring of all acute and chronic diseases, blood disorders and infections. There …

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…large range of blood products. Immunology deals with immunological tests for allergic reactions and diagnostic markers for immune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid, arthritis, diabetes and thyroid conditions, and tests to monitor tissue injury due to inflammation. Microbiology deals with diseases caused by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites through tests on blood, body fluids and tissue samples. Lastly general pathology covers all areas of pathology and is a wonderful career option.