Stopping the use of nuclear weapons. (in letter format to President Bush)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Dear Mr. President: My name is ***, and I live in ***. I believe we should get rid of all of our nuclear weapons as well as the rest of the world. Did you know the first Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima killed 70,000 people instantly? Many of those people were innocent. If those nuclear weapons get into the hands of an evil person, major destruction will happen. Maybe even innocent people could get hurt from the weapon. …

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…look at the facts, all that nuclear weapons do are destroy things. We are supposed to be saving the world. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope you will understand that nuclear weapons accomplish nothing. With all of the facts I have just mentioned, it is clear to halt the use of nuclear weapons and tell the rest of the world about the harms of nuclear weapons. Thanks Again. Sincerely, ***