St. Augustine Volcano

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Essay Database > History
St. Augustine Volcano Augustine Volcano is the most frequently active and the youngest of the Cook Inlet volcanoes. Detterman considered Augustine to be entirely Quaternary and Johnston concluded that volcanism at Augustine began during the late Pleistocene Moosehorn glacial advance 19,000-15,500 IBP. Since its discovery by Captain James Cook in 1778, Augustine Volcano has had seven historical eruptions. 1883, 1935, 1979, 1985, 1986, and 1987. Yount and others, 1987. The activity in 1908, reported by the captain of a steamer enroute to Seward, was …

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…on the northwest Augustine Island, an 8 by 11 km island in lower Cook Inlet is composed almost entirely of the side of the island. A 25-meter-high, south-facing submarine scarp 3 km south of the island, of similar orientation to joint sets in sedimentary rocks of the Kamishak River area on the Alaska Peninsula, is almost certainly of tectonic origin. There are no people that live on the island, it is a island with a volcano on it.