Sports in India

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
As Indians, the word 'sports,' brings to mind the game of cricket--and hockey to some extent. No other sport can compare to the popularity of cricket in India. But why is this so? Why does a country with one sixth of the world's population obsess about just one sport? The answers lie in facts, in our history. History About 3000 years ago, India was as active as the ancient Greeks, in terms of both physical …

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…are no advertisers. A vicious circle! Only if we change our own perceptions can things begin to change. We need to support local 'non-cricket' tournaments, not just by donating money, but by showing up at the venues and supporting the athletes. Once advertisers see the support, the funds will start trickling in. Once the funds come in, the quality will improve. A chain reaction! A vicious circle, or a chain reaction, the choice is ours!