Sources of Energy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
At the present time, nuclear and coal energy play an important role in the energy world. But this energy comes from non renewable sources. By using only these types of energies, their sources would be entirely depleted. That is why we are trying today to increase share of ecological renewable types of energy, such as the hydro energy, biomass energy, wind energy, tidal energy and the solar energy, I will write a details about. The …

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…of pipe are buried 1 m (3 ft) underground, and the heated water is passed to the pump, where the heat is compressed and distributed. The utilization of the force of ocean tides to generate electricity is yet another form of solar energy (see tidal energy). By installing turbines that are powered by the inflow and outflow of tidal waters - this force can be made to produce large amounts of usable energy, at no environmental cost.