Sounds of Music

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
In music there are a variety of instruments that display the color of harmonies, when they are played in an orchestra or a band. The ranges of their sounds spans from the lowest pitch of a contrabass to the highest pitch of a piccolo. Moreover their classification derives by the group or section to which they belong. The classification of instruments in music is divided into three broad classes or families which are percussion, string …

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…of phrases and they emphasize introductions and conclusions in musical themes. The marvelous wonders and the magic these instruments produce by the color of their sounds are possible to be perceived, when they are fully conducted and masterly orchestrated by music itself. Therefore the rhythmic lines that the percussion chases with the harmonies strings lay down and the melodies winds embrace are the multiple endless sounds that are yet still to be heard from music.