Sonnet 73 Analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Poetry is a common medium for people to express love. Sonnets are almost always about love. William Shakespeare's "Sonnet 73" is no exception. Senti-ments of love along with those of against and death are expressed through the use of figurative language. The poem is organized in such a way that, as it progresses, the reader feels the author approaching death as the use of carefully chosen meta-phors that give "Sonnet 73" such powerful imagery. In the beginning …

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…that the author will not be around much longer. Although the author spends much of the sonnet speaking of aging, dying, and death, there is still an element of love. The poem addresses a lover of the author through figurative language and metaphors. The organization of the poem makes a steady progression from images of aging, to dying, to death, and ulti-mately to love. "Sonnet 73" is a love poem with images of aging and death.