Soldier's Home

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
After World War I, many soldiers had no where to go. Of those he did have a bed to sleep in, they were lost when they got home. The military had taken up all of their time since the end of high school, and now they didn't have a job or any direction on where to go. This story takes place during that era, and Krebs, the main character, is lost and doesn't know what …

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…was happy he was home also. His mother would make him breakfast, and his father trusted him. Before the War, Krebs wasn't allowed to take out the car, but now his father suggested that Krebs take out the car during the evenings. His sister was also another soul happy to see him. She wanted him to come see her play in one of her indoor baseball games. Krebs was happy to see her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**