Social Security Debate

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Introduction- Have you ever wondered, do I have enough money to retire 30 years from now? What is the future of social security? Will I able to get benefits from the government when I retire? Well, the future of social security looks bleak even in face of proposed reforms. Social Security last year paid out roughly half a trillion dollars to 47 million Americans. However, if its trust fund runs dry as projected in 2042, it would be …

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…that younger workers are bearing the brunt of the costs and getting less benefits than the other age cohorts. In conclusion, a long term fix is needed for the Social Security program in order to ensure that it remains in place for generations of Americans to come. However, this long term fix needs to be implemented quickly in order to ensure that social security provides the maximum benefit to those who need it the most.