Social Mobility

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Introduction There are 2 varieties of social mobility. The first is absolute mobility which is the aggregate of an individual's movement through socio-economic structures of society. Absolute mobility is determined by comparing the origin of social class (that of ones parents) against their social class as an adult. This kind of mobility can increase or decrease depending on ones occupational structure. The other variety of mobility is relative. Relative mobility looks at the chance of being …

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…activities. I have definitely been a product of absolute mobility. It has depended on my own choices and my own occupational status as to whether or not I have expanded in upward mobility. Education has played a terrific role in my upward social class status. Without education it would be very difficult for me and my husband to have achieved what we have. References: Schaefer, R. T. (2003). Sociology: A brief Introduction (5th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.