Soccer: Why It Can't Make the Big Time in the U.S.A.

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Soccer: Why It Can't Make the Big Time in the U.S.A. Soccer, or football (or foosball or futbol), as it is called by the rest of the world outside the United States, is surely the most popular sport in the world. Every four years, the world championship of soccer, the World Cup, is watched by literally billions all over the world, beating out the United States professional football's Super bowl by far. It …

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…vast meadow of the soccer playing field does not lend itself, again, to close get-down-and-dirty television scrutiny. Soccer is a great sport and it certainly deserves the increased attention and popularity it is getting on all levels. But -- primarily, again, because it does not lend itself to television -- it will never make it big in the United States the way these other sports have, not until it changes some of its fundamental strategies.