Sobibor, tells the story of a Nazi officer gone mad...losely based on Edgar Allen Poe's "Tell-Tale Heart"

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The eyeball, glazed over, shifted toward me. Even though he was blind, he seemed to be looking right at me. Holding the gaze for what seemed like an eternity, as my eyes met his my heart seemed to beat as swiftly as the wings of a humming bird. I let the trap door down, stopping his heart with the grisly rope around his neck. This was the first time I ever felt sympathy for those …

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…emitted from the once silent area, but I was too afraid to investigate. Footsteps followed maybe six or seven people were now in the house, but I hadn't moved still standing over the body time seemed to have gone on without me. I then felt cold metal upon my neck, my time was near. With the push of the trigger I could feel the bullet pierce my skin, and with that my life had ended.