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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The smoking of pipes, cigars and cigarettes should be banned. Discuss. I do not agree with the statement that argues that "Smoking of pipes, cigars and cigarettes should be banned" up to a certain extent, as I personally do not see things in black or white. On the contrary, I truly believe that general issues should be viewed in different shades of grey to be able to take into account different perspectives. As everyone knows, …

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…the banning of smoking would be an attempt against individual freedom, even if this were for the better. Consequently, it would probably lead to social opposition -especially from smokers- and it would trigger off a parallel illegal "smoking business". Finally, as smoking is a habit that has very serious consequences and causes great discomfort to other people, it should be banned in public places. In this way, both smokers and non-smokers' rights would be respected.